
Hadith & Sunnah - Al Razi, a semi-Muslim?

- Wed 25 Jan, 2012 6:42 am
Post subject: Al Razi, a semi-Muslim?
I think some but not all of us would have heard of the theologian Al Razi. Now due to the corruption that occurred and the spread of the false Bukhari and Muslim hadiths, we may know very little about the historical beliefs of Muslims between the big gap of 12 centuries. Sure, all we know is that they were Muslims (sunni/shia) but we have no confirmation as to whether there was a wave of dissent similar to the recent emergence of the 'Quranist' movement (as if we're not Muslims, lol). It would be reasonable to think that the predominant Hadithers would have, if true Muslims ever emerged, silenced them and purged history from their records.

I do not buy for one second that during the Islamic Golden Age (this strictly refers to scientific supremacy) none of the most scientific and thus logical people ever questioned the BS that is Hadith. This was a time when Ibn Nafis dissected dead bodies and was the first to accurately describe the pulmonary circulation in the 13th century, Ibn Rushd created the first set of surgical scalpels and tools which are so similar to even the ones used nowadays! Yes, once upon a time even after we spread Islam by the sword we actually managed to be a beacon of light unto the world. Muslims led in all kinds of sciences, from philosophy, to surgery, music, medicine, ophthalmology (eye lenses for people with poor vision!) and almost all sciences and arts.

Believe it or not, whether we were hadithers or not, at least we did something to help spread some knowledge to this world, unlike our current state where all we can do is curse Israel and the US but we have nothing to redeem ourselves, the true signs of a corrupt people who vainly believe they will go to paradise. I can almost hear shaytan laughing at us in the background, oh wait, that's the satan within!

My point in this topic really is that I don't necessarily believe that we have been purely Hadithers ever since the time of Bukhari. There were many fights that were recorded in even earley Islamic history. We all know about Muawiyya, Abu Bakr, Ali, Othman's constant fighting and eventual assassination in each case of whoever was Caliph at the time. It's without a doubt that there was some source of severe discontent to have caused so much in-fighting and bloodshed between early Muslims. People (like Ibn Huraira, the idiot who thought a stray cat was very valuable, so they lampooned him, naming him 'father of the little cat') were already trying to make profit by writing things which went in accordance with rulers who vied for absolute control over Muslims.

Here is how their own Hadiths claim Abu Huraira was a liar.

حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبى ثنا يزيد قال أنا همام بن يحيى عن قتادة عن أبى حسان قال دخل رجلان من بنى عامر على عائشة فأخبراها أن أبا هريرة يحدث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم انه قال : الطيرة من الدار والمرأة والفرس فغضبت فطارت شقة منها في السماء وشقة في الأرض وقالت والذي أنزل الفرقان على محمد ما قالها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قط إنما قال كان أهل الجاهلية يتطيرون من ذلك

I'll skip the boring narrator chain of liars, we're better than that. Abi Hassan says that two men entered upon Aisha and they told her than Abu Huraira was narrating Hadiths about the prophet and that he (prophet) said: bad luck are from houses, women and horses. So she was angered (Aisha) so that a part of her flew to the sky and one part to the earth (a metaphor of how seriously vexed she was by these blatant lies) and she said: (swearing on) and the one who brought down the Furqan (Quran) on Mohammad, the prophet never said such a thing ever but that what he said was that the people of Jahiliyyah believed bad luck came from such things!

You see, not only is Bukhari a blatant liar who wanted to be worshipped, but even during the life of the prophet Abu Huraira was already telling people lies for his own personal reasons (whatever they may be). Satan has been working even during the prophet's days, he was relentless even during the prophet's life.

The way I see it, there has been corruption since the beggining but it never truly worked to dupe all Muslims until Sahih Muslim was compiled and gave credit to the lies of Abu Huraira. Most Shia forget this fact, that Abu Huraira is seldom mentioned as a narrator of Hadith especially by Bukhari whose authority they don't question. Yet if they had half a mind, they would know that questioning Abu Huraira should also raise questions about Bukhari's authenticity since it is through his Sahih that we even know what Abu Huraira said. Basically, this proves that logically, the Shia are contradicting themselves but would never realise it since they are adamant to rely on the worship of Ali, Hussein and the 'hidden' imam Mahdi.

Back to the topic of whether hadith-rejectors might have existed even after Bukhari. I found something interesting which is said about Al Razi here http://historyindepth.com/al-razi/

'Al-Razi was an historian, theologian, philosopher, and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) professor. He is mostly famous for his work �¢??Al-Tafsir Al-Kabir�¢?? translated �¢??The Great Interpretation�¢??. The book is also known as �¢??Mafatih Al-Ghaib�¢?? or �¢??The Keys to the Unknown�¢??. To historians and religious authorities, it is considered one of the most reliable interpretations of the Quran. Al-Razi followed Al-Ghazali�¢??s school in applying Inductive Logic to Islamic laws. To Al-Razi, depending on the Hadith (prophet�¢??s sayings) would not lead to certainty �¢??Yaqin�¢??, but only to presumption �¢??Dhan�¢??. He changed this idea later in his life while contemplating deeper in the meanings of the Quran. However, he did not dismiss the importance of logic in interpreting a law.'

LOL, so basically the guy was doubting the Hadiths, in some form, but later realised that there was a deeper meaning in the Quran which supports their sick Hadiths. Sounds like this guy might have been just a few steps from realising the truth.
- Wed 25 Jan, 2012 8:59 am
Post subject:
Excellent man, people has to know the truth about Abu Hurairah

- Thu 26 Jan, 2012 5:08 am
Post subject:
ابو هريرة كان يعبد القطط مثل الفراعنة و كان اغبى من المشركين بكثير، أنصدق رجلا مثله؟ أنا أذكر أن والدي كان يتمسخر به و يقول لي بأنه كان يألف الأحاديث بالمئات. و كان يقول لي بان عمر بن الخطاب أقبل عليه يوما فشنق عليه ثم قال: أتيناك حافيا عاريا فمن أين لك هذا(كان قد أصبح غنيا آنذاك)؟

لمذا حصلت هذه الحادثة؟ ردوا علي يا أتباع الحديث!

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